G120 f30002 [ Motor Data: Rated Motor v:415vrated Curretn:79 ARated Power:45 Kw ]Whenever i started the Drive(motor is connected,but not load),F30002 is appearing. Under normal conditions, the measured DC bus voltage and r0070 value should be close to each other. 6A. Next to it in the cabinet is the same inverter and at r70=0V; r71=0V. Siemens AG Division Digital Factory Postfach 48 48 90026 NÜRNBERG 本文下面就对这款变频器的故障代码f30002作一个介绍,供用户在调试过程中进行参考。 西门子变频器sinamics g120故障诊断f30002 西门子变频器sinamics g120的故障代码f30002,表示“功率单元:直流母线过电压”,下面对它的故障原因和解决方法进行说明: 1 Operating Instructions (Edition 03/2006) sinamics Converter Cabinet Units SINAMICS G150 75 kW to 1500 kW 品牌 西门子 故障代码 F30002 系列 G120 故障现象/类型 直流母线过电压 故障原因及解决方案 a、提高减速时间P1121 b、设置圆弧时间(P1130、P1136) c、激活Vdc电压控制器(P1240、P1280) d、检查主电源电压 e、检查电源相位 Joined: 7/7/2010. 2 Warranty and liability for application examples Application examples are not binding and do not claim to be complete regarding configuration, equipment or any eventuality which may arise. Also for: Cu230p-2. Certain parameter names contain the follo wing abbreviated prefixes: BI, BO, CI, CO and BO/CO followed by a colon. 电源电压过高 · 电源波动 · 电源侧其他设备引起的操作过电压 2. 2 List of Fault and Alarm messages Product: G120, Version: 3005200, Language: eng F00001 (N) Overcurrent Reaction: OFF 2 Acknowledge: Quit fault eg. This was commissioned 6 months back and running for all these days. Model no: 6SL3224-0BE38-8UA0. Between drive p While restarting drive started tripping in F30002 Dc link over voltage fault. I wan 当g120 系列变频器出现f30002 故障时该如何解决? f30002 故障名称:直流母线过电压,是指变频器的直流母线电压超过过电压阀值。 常见报警原因 1. A30031 - Hardware current limit. Whenever run command is given to the drive via handmode or remote, the drive gets tripped due to fault F30003 instantly and no other fault is shown. It gives F30002 when we raise the frequency from 30Hz to 47Hz by IOP hand mode. DI0, DI2, DI4 work fine, DI1, DI3, and DI5 do not. Rating: (825) Hello, do you switch on the G120 on a running motor? If so please check if the flying restart function is activated and working properly. Rating: (327) Hey Daryl, What G120 are you using? (Got a part number) Is the drive "Enabled" when the 230V is removed - the easiest way is to monitor parameter r899. Consistent system checks, firmware upgrades, and maintaining 0. View and Download Siemens SINAMICS G120 manual online. We have a Sinamics G120 drive. When we use a 45kw PM instead of the 37kw PM, the problem gone. Rating: (1) Hi All , Our simatic stop with this Fault F30017 and show two alarms A30031 ,A07409. Last visit: 1/22/2025. Rating: (1) Hi Expert , we have a sinamics S120 CU 320 + TB30, all are okey up to now but today we had a fault F30003 mean that there is something wrong in phases/Dc link voltage/fusibles. 硬件问题·变频器 Joined: 7/7/2010. ramp down 30s. SINAMICS G120 CU230P-2 Control Units 12 List Manual, 02/2023, A5E33838102 1. Also note that VFD is working okay with no load condition @100% speed but once we connected load it stated to give this fault beteen speed range 98% to 100%. Sinamics G120 Created by: sk308 at: 6/17/2019 10:58 AM (18 Replies) Rating (3) Thanks 2. 1 General safety instructions 变频器G120故障显示30002是什么故障?怎么样处理? 最佳答案 当G120系列变频器出现F30002故障时该如何解决?F30002故障名称:直流母线过电压,是指变频器的直流母线电压超过过电压阀值。常见报警原因1. There is a shortcut way to change parameter within very short time. Common causes of failure 1. 3 Assigning a PROFINET device name Cause of alarm A08526 Entry-ID: 109478314, V1. Machine is can making machine (bodymaker or wall ironer) Motor drives a flywheel (belt) and then clutch engages it with crankshaft to push a punch. Suggestion SINAMICS G120C, FSD FSF inverters Compact Operating Instructions , 11/2016, FW V4. The most likely cause of Overvoltages are REGENERATION from your We use G120 with a 37kw PM for a water pump motor of 37kw. At first I thought it could be a supply distortion issue so I coupled my bus and took out one transfomer leaving one to supply the bus. Posts: 1511. SINAMICS G120 CU240B/E-2 Control Units List Manual (LH11), 01/2013 BICO technology: Long parameter name / short parameter name The following abbreviations can appear in front of the BICO parameter name: Note: The parameter list can contain parameters that Media Converter Siemens SINAMICS G120 Operating Instructions Manual. The drive is having to absorb 1. 本文下面就对这款变频器的故障代码f30002作一个介绍,供用户在调试过程中进行参考。 西门子变频器sinamics g120故障诊断f30002 西门子变频器sinamics g120的故障代码f30002,表示“功率单元:直流母线过电压”,下面对它的故障原因和解决方法进行说明: 1 如何处理g120变频器故障f30002? 最佳答案 f30002故障以下内容仅作为故障报警排查的指导,不具有绝对性,导致变频器故障报警的原因很多,情况也较复杂,本文只是对常见的故障报警原因和处理方法进行说明,供参考。故障名称:直流母线过电压,是指变频器的直流母线电压超过过电压阀值。 Joined: 10/11/2006. 1480rpm. . It gives F30002 when we raise the frequency from 30Hz to 47Hz by IOP hand mode. F30003 Power unit: DC link undervoltage. - line supply voltage too high. It trips on Vdc overvoltage F30002 after hours of running. Check the line voltage (p0210). F30002 Power unit: DC link overvoltage. - motor regenerates too much energy. 西门子g120变频器报 f30002 故障,表示 “功率单元:直流母线过电压”,很多原因都可能会导致该故障,比如电源侧问题、变频器自身硬件问题,或者电机侧问题,我们可以先通过参数调整来尝试恢复正常,方式如下: F30002 & F30003 Power Unit Errors: Warn about DC link voltage anomalies, necessitating an evaluation of mains voltage and connections. Inverter overtemperature SINAMICS G120 Control Units CU240B-2/CU240E-2 List Manual, 02/2023, A5E33839529 5 Preface SINAMICS documentation The SINAMICS documentation is organized in the following categories: • General documentation/catalogs • Manufacturer/service documentation Additional information Information on the following topics is available under the link: Joined: 10/2/2018. Posts: 3. Please note transformer I am currently running with is also SINAMICS G120 SD card 512 MB including licensing (Certificate of License, stored on the card) V4. K. we checked the line supply voltage Ok ~420v. This is "F30002 - Power unit: DC link voltage, overvoltage" and "F30003 - Po. *Your drive may have a differing keypad. Rating: (2471) The ACTUAL voltage while ramping down at that moment in the image is 220. Ap plication examples do not represent specific F30002 - DC link voltage exceeded. 西门子变频器的故障代码f30002,表示“功率单元:直流母线过电压”,下面对它的故障原因和解决方法进行说明: 1. 5 ohm. 1 General safety instructions SINAMICS G120C 8 List Manual (LH13), 04/2014, A5E33840768B AA 1. Siemens Industry Catalog - Drive technology - Converters - Low-voltage converters - Industry-specific frequency converters - SINAMICS G120X infrastructure converters for HVAC/Water/Wastewater - Services and documentation - Documentation - SINAMICS G120X Siemens I'm using a Sinamics G120 with CU240E-2 PN-F and am having issues with the digital inputs when running with any macro that uses the I/O on the front of control panel. Jan 9, 2019 #1 Fault code F30002 appears please tell me how to reset the fault. s 04/2014 A5E33839529B AA SINAMICS SINAMICS G120 Control Units CU240B-2/CU240E-2 List Manual Fundamental safety instructions 1 Parameters 2 Function diagrams 3 Faults and alarms 4 Appendix A Index Valid for Control Units Firmware version Joined: 6/4/2008. In my system sinamics g120 PM240,Control unit CU240E-2(order no:6SL3244-0BB12-1BA1) FOR 132Kw blower motor,for this braking chopper was needed ? wheather power fluctuation will impact by braking chopper? when power fluctuations happen, immediately it was tripped fault message was F30002. SINAMICS G120 Control Units CU240S, Edition 05/2007 3. 负载能量回馈·大惯量负载减速 ·位能性负载下降 ·负载突变(突然减载)3. After acknowledge the fault i again started the drive & motor run about 10-15 This is "F30002 - Power unit: DC link voltage, overvoltage" and "F30003 - Po. Motors: 37kW, Delta, 65. Activate the DC-link voltage controller (p1240, p1280). Rating: (2482) If one drive is behaving differently than the others, treat it differently. 1 General safety instructions 1. Cause: The power unit has detected an overvoltage condition in the DC link. Posts: 2. A30032 - Hardware current limit. 电源电压过高· &nb Product: Article Number (Market Facing Number) 6SL3244-0BB12-1PA1: Product Description: SINAMICS G120 CONTROL UNIT CU240E-2 DP E-TYPE SAFETY INTEGRATED STO PROFIBUS DP 6DI, 3DO, 2AI, 2AO, MAX This document provides operating instructions for the Siemens SINAMICS V20 drive system. f30002故障原因 f30002的故障表示当前功率单元检测出了直流母线中的过电压。可能原因有: (1)电机反馈能量过多。 F30002. Join Date Dec 2018 Location AUSTRALIA Posts 42. Dear sir/ Madam , We have a 90 kw G120 Sinamics drive which is running for a 90 Kw submersible motor. The Siemens G120 series VFD included in this package can be controlled by theIOP-2 Keypad pictured on the right. If you're experiencing an overcurrent fault with a Siemens SINAMICS G120 drive, it indicates that the current flowing through the motor exceeds the permissible limit set by the drive's protection settings. Last visit: 1/31/2025. F30003 - DC link voltage too low. Reaction: OFF2. One DBU faliour then another healthy DBU replaced but If it is working the actual DC link voltage (r0070) is limited to a range of 750V – 800V during chopper operation. Loading Please enable javascript or update your browser. Suggestion; Posts: 101. Last visit: 1/3/2025. F30003. Also for: Sinamics series. after many tests the motor will be able to run perfectly ,2 mounth Problem: - Drive tripped with F30002 (Power unit: DC link voltage, overvoltage) and DBU Green LED not glowing. 5, A5E03831830B AA 1 Product overview The SINAMICS G120C is a range of converters for controlling the speed of three phase motors. may i know how to short out this problem . after having put a ventilator, my problem was solved. we just control the 3 Fusibles OK ~420 v. Can you please assist me to understand them ? (2484) If you are using Starter to communicate with the G120, F1-Help can show you what the codes mean and how to fix them. we checked the line supply phases Ok ~420 v. Actions; New post; Result pages: | 1 | 2 | 19 Entries In case of power fluctuations drive enable signals will get reset but F30002 will not be there since ramp down time is increased (p1121 = 120 sec insted of 60 sec) DC bus voltage will not overshoot. 7Vrms. Rating: (0) I am facing the same problem running an off-gas fan on a G150 vsd. 2; FAQ-0F72C0NM, 12/2015 8 ¤S i e m e n s A G 2 0 1 5 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d Watch Darren McCulley, Application Engineer at PCC, show you how to display G120 drive faults on Siemens HMI. in the first time we upload a program for another sinamics who control a similar pompe and we injected to the faulty one . r70=0V; r71 = indicates 360V during standstill. Power module PM240, Control module CU240E-2 DP, WHILE THIS drive stopping time F30002 alarm is coming . Otherwise, check the G120 manual for the codes and if you post what they mean and what the manual says needs doing and need more help, please post back. Safety integrated (450 pages) Hi,We use G120 with a 37kw PM for a water pump motor of 37kw. For further information please contact your local Spares&Repair Partner The fault code "30002" on Siemens drives indicates a DC link overvoltage condition. - line phase interrupted. DBR value measure in multimeter is 2. For the “Startdrive” option package, please refer to the following Entry ID: 68034568 Table 4-1 View and Download Siemens SINAMICS G120XA operating instructions manual online. Sinamics G120 PM240 3AC 380-480V. Applying 24V directly to the inputs and checking the CU DI status parameter I get nothing on those ports. Rating: (0) Dear Everyone, I'm new in using Sinamics S120 drive. Suggestion With SINAMICS variable frequency drives, you can address any drive application – whether it is low voltage, or direct current (DC). - line supply failure - line supply voltage below the permissible value. - Alarm and Fault Values: Additional information is displayed with parameters like r2124, r0949. We are facing one issue with G120 VFD ,it is giving F30002 DC Link overvoltage fault @100% speed. Parameter P1240 is set 0. When i start 以下内容仅作为故障报警排查的指导,不具有绝对性,导致变频器故障报警的原因很多,情况也较复杂,本文只是对常见的故障报警原因和处理方法进行说明,供参考。 故障名称:直流母线 F30002 indicates an overcurrent issue when the motor stops. Rating: (0) i have driven servo motor for ctl plant. 综上所述,西门子变频器sinamics g120系列具有故障诊断功能,故障信息会显示在操作面板中。用户可以通过操作面板上的故障报警信息进行判断和处理,如果遇到f30002故障,用户可以参考本文提供的内容进行解决,从而更好的使用西门子变频器sinamics g120系列进行调试。 Posts: 1. Hi All,We have an issue in our Sinamics drive, the problem is when we try to start the motor, there are two types of fault was generate at the same time. 7 SP6, A5E39339884B AA 7 Fundamental safety instructions 1 1. The motor triped at this fault. Posts: 15680. The power supply Joined: 7/30/2014. The (DC link volt vs Time) graphs are attached. DC-link voltage overvoltage. 0kW of energy. Increasing the parameters you mentioned might not be the solution. Posts: 15582. I have monitored its DC bus voltage using multimeter but there is not even 1 volt drop in Posts: 101. ramp up 20s. Florence1. To download the list of G120 faults and alarms, SINAMICS G120 CU240B-2 and CU240E-2 Control Units Compact Operating Instructions Edition 01/2017 01/2017 A5E39910322B AA Fundamental safety instructions 1 Scope of delivery 2 Installing 3 Commissioning 4 More information 5 . List Price Show prices: Customer Price: Show prices: Repair & replacement services For this product we offer a fast delivery and if possible an exchange or repair part. With best regards, Technology Team Application consulting and pre sales support for SINAMICS, SIMATIC Technology, SIMOTION, SIMOTICS and MOTION hello siemens big family, another new problem on my power modul which showed me a temperature fault the last time i posted the problem here. F30004 - The temperature of the power supply heat sink has exceeded the allowable value. I am making some assumptions that there is some sort of check-valve that maintains prime for the pumps, or the elevations are set so all pumps are below tanks (and that tanks exist) enough to maintain prime. 7 SP13. I still have the same problem. Last visit: 2/27/2025. Check the mains voltage and the correct connection of the input phases. Set the rounding times (p1130, p1136). Suggestion I will add that in the reading of the param. Thread starter kulmaint; Start date Jan 9, 2019; kulmaint Member. via DI2 Cause: • Motor power (p0307) does not correspond to the inverter power (r0206) • Motor lead short circuit • Earth faults Hi,We use G120 with a 37kw PM for a water pump motor of 37kw. DC-link voltage undervoltage. You can take help of this video. 7 or higher. 西门子变频器g120 故障报警代码f30002 原因及解决方法 故障代码: f30002 产生原因: 直流母线过电压 解决方法 : 提高减速时间 p1121 设置圆弧时间 p1130,p1136 激活vdc电压 控制器 p1240 p1280 检查主电源 电压 检查 电源相位 This document applies to the SINAMICS G120X in conjunction with the IOP-2 as a Hello colleagues,A client of ours has a very strange problem occurring. 02 (Operation Enabled) before opening a guard. Posts: 5986. Exceeding the allowable voltage of the DC link. 负载能量回馈 · 大惯量负载减速 · 位能性负载下降 问题当g120系列变频器出现f30002故障时该如何解决?f30002故障名称:直流母线过电压,是指变频器的直流母线电压超过过电压阀值。常见报警原因1. 1 General safety instructions WARNING Risk of death if the safety instructions and remaining risks are not carefully observed View and Download Siemens SINAMICS G120 function manual online. - closed-loop control is incorrectly parameterized. Even though I told them that it is a system fault, they re When the SINAMICS G120 did not have a PROFINET device name, and the PROFINET device name is assigned for the first time, then the device does not have to be restarted! 1 2. Here's what you can check: Motor Wiring: Ensure proper i have G120 v/f controller, pump application 30 KW , the motor and drive working well at load 65%, but suddenly the drive gave fault F30002 " Power unit: DC link voltage Siemens G120 Frequency Converter: Alarm and Fault Management Parameters and Settings - Alarm and Fault Codes: Displayed with parameters like r2122, r0945. Last visit: 2/28/2025. - Alarm and Fault G120 frequency converter reported F30002 fault: Publish Date: 2016-11-03: F30002: DC bus overvoltage means the DC bus voltage of the inverter exceeds the overvoltage threshold. Joined: 9/27/2006. Now, there is a serious problem in it. Check the line phases. Increase the ramp-down time (p1121). Alternatively, you can configure the frequency converter using STARTER plus SSP for version 4. thanks have a nice day. The hardware current limit for this phase has been reached. Otherwise the G120 gives fault F30002 even on small regenerative power operation. Last visit: 2/12/2025. - DC-link voltage control switched off. When we use a 45kw PM If you're encountering a DC link voltage overvoltage fault with a Siemens SINAMICS G120 drive, it means that the voltage level in the DC link has exceeded the Check the r0070 parameter to show the DC bus voltage measured by the inverter. Low voltage converters, chassis and wall/panel mounted devices with cu230p-2 control units (462 pages) Inverter Siemens Sinamics G120 Function Manual. Rating: (2706) Hello xmnj; As Hati is pointing out you seem to have lost parameters for the Profinet connection between your drive (the IO-device) and the PLC (the IO-controller in this network) in the drive settings. low-voltage inverter; Basic positioner (EPos) for CU250-2 Control Units. Determine if the relationship among these three Today I have installed a Sinamics G120 250kW Drive (order no: 6SL3224-0XE42-0UA0), communication is via profibus DP from S7-300 PLC. Note : drive has only input choke and no output choke. but fault created by this sinamic s120 drive f30002 and 03. Proactive Strategies for Sinamics S120 Drive Maintenance: Preventive measures and routine maintenance are crucial for minimizing fault occurrences. F30004. Acknowledge: IMMEDIATELY. If the “Startdrive” option package is installed in TIA Portal, the G120 can be added as a new device, configured and parameterized. Nun haben wir einen Bremschopper eingebaut und die Vdc-Regelung deaktiviert. When starting a Sinamics G120C 1. The phase "U". HTH. Fault code F30002 appears please tell me how to reset the fault. Any active faults will be displayed on screen. - U/f operation: Up ramp set too In my system sinamics g120 PM240,Control unit CU240E-2(order no:6SL3244-0BB12-1BA1) FOR 132Kw blower motor,for this braking chopper was needed ? wheather power fluctuation will impact by braking chopper? when power fluctuations happen, immediately it was tripped fault message was F30002. s 04/2014 A5E33839529B AA SINAMICS SINAMICS G120 Control Units CU240B-2/CU240E-2 List Manual Fundamental safety instructions 1 Parameters 2 Function diagrams 3 Faults and alarms 4 Appendix A Index Valid for Control Units Firmware version SINAMICS G120C frequency converter 4 Getting Started, 03/2012, FW V4. If the motor regenerates too much energy, check the braking resistor. Phase "V". what will be the solution? please suggest me. SINAMICS G120XA media converter pdf manual download. Posts: 12342. I wan F30002 Power unit: DC link voltage, overvoltage. for the Third time and in running mode We hear a noise in the Motor . SINAMICS G120 Control Units CU240B-2/CU240E-2 List Manual Edition 04/2014 Answers for industry. 📚 sinamics G120 DRIVE. DBU to DBR cable, motor and motor cable meggering with ground (Found OK) 2. During stopping, motor regenerating energy causes rise in DC link voltage as such 西门子g120变频器f30002原因及解决方法 ,相关的故障报警信息会显示在操作面板上,用户通过操作面板上的故障代码就可以判断出西门子变频器g120出现的故障,并及时排除。 本文下面就对这款变频器的故障代码f30002作一个介绍,供用户在调试过程中进行参考。 Siemens G120 Frequency Converter: Alarm and Fault Management Parameters and Settings - Alarm and Fault Codes: Displayed with parameters like r2122, r0945. 电源电压过高·电源波动 ·电源侧其他设备引起的操作过电压2. SINAMICS G120 control unit pdf manual download. Suggestion; To thank ; Quote; F30002 - Power unit DC link voltage overvoltage. I am also facing such aproblem in one of the my project,in which the distance between Drive(G120,CU240E‐2 DP E‐TYPE) FAULT: F30002 (DC LINK OVERVOLTAGE) APPLICATION: PUMP. Last visit: 2/21/2025. To be sure about ani_1986Dear All,i am currently facing the fault F30021 :- power unit ground fault while running a 690v s120 chasiss motor module fed by BLM. For a DC Link voltage of 810VDC, your input AC voltage would have to be in the region of 600VAC. After acknowledge the fault i again started the drive & motor run about 10-15 We are facing one issue with G120 VFD ,it is giving F30002 DC Link overvoltage fault @100% speed. 3. OUTPUT SINEWAVE FILTER: 1 Nos SCHAFFNER: Nominal OP Voltage 3*500VAC; Parameter change from BOP-2 takes time. 1. 1 kW inverter he gets a fault F03000, which I see in the manual that it is a NVRAM problem. This fault occurs when the voltage level in the DC link exceeds the maximum allowable limit. this fault dc link voltage under voltage. - motor has a short-circuit or fault to ground (frame). If So, move to the section pertaining SINAMICS G120 CU240B/E-2 Control Units List Manual (LH11), 01/2012 Parameter text (long name / short name) Specifies the name of the respective parameter. Wir haben den Umrichter bis zuletzt ohne Bremschopper betrieben, jedoch mit aktivierter Vdc-Regelung. - Extended Ohne einer erkennbaren Änderung kommt nun beim Hochlaufen des Antriebs die Fehlermeldung F30002 Leistungsteil: Zwischenkreis Überspannung. The DC link voltage is too low. Please suggest how to resolve this issue. Distance between When encountering a DC link voltage undervoltage fault with a Siemens SINAMICS G120 drive, it indicates that the voltage level in the DC link has dropped below the acceptable threshold. here is that yesterday a new fault F30021 which appears as soo now there are Sinamics G120 45kW 6SL3225-0BE33-7AA0. F30002. VFD TO MOTOR DISTANCE: 750+ Meter. max current 130A (200% of nominal) V/f linear control. VFD getting tripped. We frequently having drive trip on fault F30003 VDC undervoltage. SINAMICS G120 inverter pdf manual download. 1 Fundamental safety instructions 1. F30021 - A ground fault has occurred. I was checked below points. - Time Information: Alarm/fault times are displayed with parameters like r2123, r2125, r0948, r2109. Hi all,I am using G120 drive, PM: 240-45Kw,110A, CU:240E-2. vmyolgn idhqlnu wixumpb lwpz ljqg uiorp njkh duz xzwbp plegl jvd qpcxe qvrax gdbhmrj rqxbqi