Brayflox hard squadron. 47 - The Aurum Vale Lv.
Brayflox hard squadron Ekimmak. Iluminati Commander. Great Yellow Pelican I couldn't pass the last boss of Brayflox hard as a RDM i can't seem to push back the bombs fast enough but the rest was manageable with a lot of adjustements Reply reply The hardest part of any of those squadron dungeons is learning how to use Engage/Disengage to maneuver the party (Darkhold’s first boss) and make them focus the right thing (anything with adds). You need at least a level 50 Disciple of War or Magic job and an average item level of 55 to get into the dungeon. ×. Halfway through the way, Brayflox will run into the boss room with a drake named Tempest Biast, chasing him. 5 - 4 minutes) bc of wall to wall pulls but depending on your class you might not be able to burst down the boss to dead before it does its annoying phase which will probably bring your run to 4 - 5 By default it uses Brayflox's Longstop (Hard). Having been pressed into service as Brayflox's boon companion, you have no choice but to disregard the facts of her thievery and defend the Longstop from all those who would seize it from its rightful holder. Burning Cyclone; Tempered Biast; expand_more Burning Cyclone Tank Melee DPS Cleave. Lv. Having been pressed into service as Brayflox's boon companion, you have no choice but to disregard the facts of her thievery and defend the I dont even have courage to start Squadron Brayflox hard even though I enjoy Squadron command duties I will be grateful for any advice (0) Reply With Quote. Phase one: tank and spank. Hope this guide helps a few people out. Re-engage lifts the Disengage status. The FFXIV Simplified Series - Going t Brayflox's Longstop is overrun with forces of the Illuminati; the furious goblin scholars are bent on recovering a secret recipe centuries in the making and a moment in the filching. You honestly Here's a quick dungeon guide through Brayflox's Longstop (Hard), continuing through A Realm Reborn in Final Fantasy XIV. Brayflox Hard is downright impossible unless you pick particular Brayflox Hard Mode is much easier if you play Warrior or Dark Knight. Paladin has a spinning attack that probably works well, too. 06-01-2018 05:53 PM #5. tv/buffysummoners Januray 17, 2021 The comp also let's you basically afk stone vigil/brayflox as a dps and still pull off crazy pulls. They refuse to get on the first elevator, only running in circles Oh man, I remember doing the big pull in Brayflox Hard even all the way back in ARR. Brayflox is indeed a jump in difficulty for tanks especially. Add – fixates on player . GabrielKross | Published: Mar 27, 2014 12:23 pm 0. Yeah tried to do a brayflox with my squadron with my DRK before I starting play with real people so I could get familiar with the layout of the dungeon and how much I should pull, etc. They should call it brayflox "the return" or something. On max-level squadrons, it means a ton of plus currency you can get from their missions. json by @erdelf in #739; added Ingredient ItemUI category to consumables by @erdelf in #743 (362) Brayflox Hard: Adjusted pre 2nd boss area transition by @erdelf in #745 (1194) Skydeep Cenote: Adjusted Wait and AutoMoves by @erdelf in #747; For Final Fantasy XIV Online: A Realm Reborn on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Hit a snag with the Brayflox Hard Command Mission" - Page 2. Tiny Key (Brayflox's Longstop (Hard)) Key Item. Meet a Longstop Ally. 1*Final Fantasy 14 Brayflox's Longstop In Depth Dungeon Guide for all roles. Wanderer's Palace HM Video Guide • Brayflox's Longstop • The Sunken Temple of Qarn • Cutter's Cry • The Stone Vigil • Dzemael Darkhold • The Aurum Vale • Castrum Meridianum • The From my own personal experience using Brayflox Longstop Hard for Anima, it's typically around 40-45 runs in order to get all your light. As in, I had to put "Squadron Attack" on an easy-to-reach hotbar slot just so I could press it on a Welcome to our guide to Brayflox's Longstop, Final Fantasy XIV's level 32 dungeon. 60 Each squadron member starts with Independent Mastery Level 1. ; Execute Limit Break orders your Squadron to execute a Limit Break. Blue Highlight - Brayflox's Longstop (Hard) - Chill gaming - No commentary, no interaction, no chat -- Watch live at https://www. This makes it VERY difficult to clear, as I am the only player Brayflox's Longstop is a level 32 - 34 (Levels 35 and above will be synchronised to 34) dungeon found in Eastern La Noscea. I've died countless times because of this and it has made the dungeon impossible to complete; my only option is to run this as a healer, but I Brayflox's Longstop is overrun with forces of the Illuminati; the furious goblin scholars are bent on recovering a secret recipe centuries in the making and a moment in the filching. Honestly the dungeon itself is really fast (around 3. Other that that the drake is a straightforward fight, and like all mobs in this dungeon he hits hard! TIP: Inferno Drake can be put to sleep, handy when dealing with the add that pops up in the fight. Patch 2. It is the hard mode of Brayflox's Longstop. Brayflox's Longstop (Hard) [Lore] Our first run in with the Illuminati and our first true glimpse at Goblin tech! Brayflox has gotten herself into trouble again, and I for one really enjoyed running to the aid of Her Cheesy Majesty. 50 - The Wanderer's Palace Hard Lv. (1) Reply With Quote The content is exactly the same as the instances you get through Duty Finder (except the party members are your squadron) so I A brief guide to Gobmachine G-VI, the final boss of Brayflox's Longstep Hard. 2, a long time The Brayflox's Longstop dungeon in Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV) done as a command mission with the squadron. Having been pressed into service as Brayflox's boon companion, you have no choice but to disregard Looks like your ad blocker is on. 47 - The Aurum Vale Lv. There's a bit of wonky AI, like how the healer let themselves It's a ok instance though. The format is a bit different for this video, as I Pharos Sirius (Hard) is a Dungeon in Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward. I managed to beat it but f*** that was annoying, Aiatar will use a breath attack that applies a stacking poison effect, becoming more potent each stack. 1) They are the only class without an AOE skill, so they can't clear out the bombs quickly enough 2) They can't single target fast enough, even with Lightspeed and their instant cast Combust does no damage on the initial hit 3) The squadron chases the Brayflox's Longstop is a 4-man dungeon introduced with Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. Trying to complete Brayflox (Hard) and am struggling. Final Fantasy 14 Brayflox's Longstop (Hard Mode) Dungeon Beginners Guide for new players or aspiring tanks. Brayflox Alltalks is once again asking for your assistance in her small goblin village in the Raincatcher Gulley. (7) Last edited by Cherie; 04-10-2014 at 06:50 AM. The Squadron NPCs don't register with the mobs in the same way as players. Clears were roughly Squadron healers are definitely the weak link but it's mostly an issue in The Vault playing as DPS against the first boss who is going to target you for every Holy Shield Bash. I run trusts when I go through a dungeon the first time for a number of reasons. chocomaid. This time, a rogue faction of the Brayflox's Longstop is overrun with forces of the Illuminati; the furious goblin scholars are bent on recovering a secret recipe centuries in the making and a moment in the filching. It does this dungeon unsynced to take full advantage of your level 90 status. Kill the smaller drake, save Brayflox, then kill the Inferno Drake. Get your tomestones here!This is a speedrun farm guide for Brayflox Hard using 3 Blue Mages and 1 Tank. All Rights Reserved. Raise squadron cap to current max level. Description. Turns out it was not a good idea as double pull=dead. Reply With Quote. This article is over 10 years old and may contain outdated information This boss is by far the easiest of the three new FFXIV dungeons. It has an AoE cone attack that should be avoided by casters and melee dps. Go northwest to find a Goblin Pathfinder. Stack: 1 Rebuild Lists. The squadron limit break does both damage and give a buff. I just disagree with it being called "hard" mode. It wasn't too hard to figure out, but the last boss had some interesting mechanics. No need to publish anything on the minibosses because they follow already established mechanics. 24 - The Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak Lv. I just finished the new Brayflox Longstop Hard mode dungeon and it is awesome. In the current setup, it is extremely difficult to beat the final boss in Brayflox HM when you do it in your squadron. Key Item. X pots for the win, 70 Wanderer's Palace, Amdapor Keep and their hard modes, Lost City of Amdapor, Brayflox HM, Snowcloak and Keeper of the Lake might be the only ones without one exceedingly bad gimmick boss. Because it does have a buff, don’t try to use it as a finishing blow as you’re wasting the buff and thus could have made the run technically faster if you had used it at a time where you could have taken advantage of both the damage and the buff. With no dungeon stats, the safest are Longstop, Toto-Rak, Wanderer's, Sohm Al, Fractal, and Pharos Hard (you need to micro fast at the second boss though to kill all slimes and generators, or you will be hard-focused, die, and wipe). "The Dark's Embrace" plays at all times during the duty while not in combat. After a time, a Tempest Biast will spawn which chases Brayflox Alltalks around the arena. Command missions (dungeon) run with my squadronFINAL FANTASY XIV © 2010 - 2020 SQUARE ENIX CO. gd/MOlDnfDungeon (Level 50): Brayflox's Longsto For me, it was Brayflox HM that was legitimately impossible. Since this dungeon was added in patch 3. After a tiring journey across Eorzea, it is deep within the quiet jungles of Raincatcher Gully where the charismatic and enterprising young goblin, Brayflox Alltalks, chooses to build her tiny empire. 1-4 Players (1 Tank, 1 Healer, 2 DPS) Class: Disciples of War or Magic * Limited jobs can participate only in a preformed party meeting party size requirements or an unrestricted party, and if duty rules allow. Aurum Vale is also not -that- much better than Stone Vigil and is a lot Inferno Drake is a fire-breathing drake. Excerpt from ‘The history of Vylbrand, from Nym to Limsa Lominsa’ by Archon Niniri Niri. Silent Moss the Solemn, Franz the Fair, Langloisiert the • Brayflox's Longstop • The Sunken Temple of Qarn • Cutter's Cry • The Stone Vigil • Dzemael Darkhold • The Aurum Vale • Castrum Meridianum • The Praetorium • Fully automate Squadron Dungeons (Voyages and Training to come) Grind Gear for for classes, spiritbinding or GC scrips. twitch. View Profile View Forum Posts Player Join Date May 2015 Posts 608 Character Carlo Vinne World Faerie Main Class Warrior Lv 80. I've not had any issues with the Wanderer's Palace (Hard) Squadron runs. 1) They are the only class without an AOE skill, so they can't Squadron Dungeon Brayflox's Longstop Hard ~ (Level 50, Tank Warrior)👇 More details below!👉 Chapter:0:00 Intro6:43 1st Boss12:48 2nd Boss19:54 Final Boss👉 Amateur; try filling your Aether quota for the Anima weapon all by yourself, spamming Brayflox Hard non-fucking-stop, and then talk to me about the mental cost/toll :PPP (I do admit though, that was before I knew about Aether farming Brayflox's Longstop (Hard) is an optional level 50 dungeon in Final Fantasy 14. Most classes can run this in under 5 minutes a run which means roughly 5 hours of grinding. I was told by my sister and a few guides that Brayflox (hard) and Haukke Manor (hard) are great for solo farming for light and that I need 2000 points to finish the farm. Min. ;p This is an empty space at the bottom of the post that people expect to see so it would be confusing if it was actually empty. Put your squadron's training to the test with command missions─four-man unit operations that will take you on forays into perilous dungeons. For the most part, it’s a tank and spank with minor mechanics that will wipe the party. View Profile View Forum Posts Player Join Date Aug 2013 Location Ul'dah Posts 426 Character Temis Altera World Odin As the title suggests, with the introduction of Wanderer's Palace (Hard) for command missions, I've been really struggling with the final boss as the AI almost never tops off heals when you've been afflicted with the Doom status. 1st boss is just Engage spam to get the DPS to help nuke down the spears (Probably the only dangerous boss here, because the healer fails so hard at healing you and you're the only one targetted by the bosses fireball spam when a spear is active) Had the same problem in Brayflox's Brayflox will periodically attack the boss with a bomb and steal aggro from the tank - this will last for a few seconds, so tanks shouldn't worry if they can't seem to grab the boss back right away. When he drops the bombs that you need to hit away from you, the NPC's are not helping. Copperbell Mines (Hard) • Brayflox's Longstop • The Sunken Temple of Qarn • Cutter's Cry • The Stone Vigil • Dzemael Darkhold • The Aurum Vale • Castrum Meridianum • The Praetorium • Amdapor Keep • The Wanderer's Palace • Pharos Sirius • The Lost City of Amdapor • Hullbreaker Isle • Snowcloak • The Keeper of the Lake: Heavensward (Lv. In the current setup, it is extremely difficult to beat the final boss in Brayflox HM when you do it in your squadron. I have "some" experience in the game, playing for the past years A little bit annoyed. Please support our site by disabling your ad blocker or by signing up Hard Party size Light Party 4 man • • Brayflox's Longstop • The Sunken Temple of Qarn • Cutter's Cry • The Stone Vigil • Dzemael Darkhold • The Aurum Vale • Castrum Meridianum • The Praetorium • Amdapor Keep • The She settled on Brayflox's Longstop (Hard). Honestly, run using trusts or the squadron for lower dungeons. As such, I’ll recommend it over your normal LB. Squadron members can only have one tactic active at a time. I hope you have even more fun reading about it! As always, i'd really appreciate feedback! Brayflox's Longstop; Requirements. Party Size: 4. This time, a rogue faction of the goblins known as the Illuminati have invaded the village, and it’s up to you to clear them [] Engage orders your Squadron to attack the targeted enemy. iLevel: 55. Attack Script. However, for the beefs I have for Copperbell HM, it is at least a little better than the king of boring dungeon design, Stone Vigil HM. This is a simple cleave on the tank. You can reach the last boss, which is already a good thing! Once you master it, the other 4 man dungeons don't have such a jump in difficulty from a tank point of view. This attack can be avoided by moving to the side, but special care should be taken not to point him at anyone but the tank. All is good until the last boss. "The Dark's Kiss" plays while fighting regular enemies. Kinda hard to give advice if you don't say what's causing you to wipe. 53 - Sohm Al More to come Brayflox's Longstop; Requirements. Brayflox's Longstop (Hard) is a Dungeon in Final Fantasy XIV, released in patch 2. For trusts, let us choose between trust avatars or squadron members. In fact, they do the opposite, they just hit a bomb each wherever they want (direction be damned it seems). This guide aims to prepare players so they will know what to expect, with simple mechanic instructions and notes on how to progress Brayflox's Longstop (Hard) Level 50, ilvl 55 50, i110 Eastern La Noscea (X:14, Y:24) Curds and Slay Brayflox's Longstop is overrun with forces of the Illuminati; the furious goblin scholars are Brayflox's Longstop (Hard) is a Dungeon in Final Fantasy XIV, released in patch 2. 04-10-2014 06:54 AM #2. No go. Make sure to face the boss away from the party. 53 - Sohm Al More to come Sir VG PresentsSQUADRON! ATTENTION!The 3rd of the dungeons that I can do with the squadron. 41 - The Stone Vigil Lv. Fully automate Squadron Dungeons (Voyages and Training to come) Grind Gear for for classes, spiritbinding or GC scrips. I will write them below but feel free not to read them if you want to find out for yourself. 51-60) This way you have a good chance to cover the Squadron Mission affinities. Bold Italics – Cast Name Bold – Add or Mechanic Move In Interact Attention Tanks! Attention Healers! Attention Melee! Move Out Spread Out . 1. If a squadmate is affected by a mission affinity, their chemistry's chance is hard-set to 100%, regardless of its prerequisites. To gain mastery levels in a battle tactic, Brayflox's Longstop is unlocked by the level 32 Main Scenario Quest The Things We Do for Cheese. Make sure the healer and ranged dps are staying way the fuck away from the boss, Moogle Treasure Trove in FFXIV. The only dungeon you want to skip (aside from all exactly-50s) is Darkhold as it's not better than Stone Vigil. Alternatively you can check the box in Misc Settings for Run A9S to run Alexander - The Eyes of the Curator (Savage) instead. This order is replaced with Re-engage once used. Too fast for the dragoon it seems (brayflox hard) Brayflox’s Longstop (Hard) – Dairy Conflicts. 50 iLvl 55 2,500 11,250 The Wanderer's Palace (Hard) Lv. With an increased level cap and the option to glamour your In the current setup, it is extremely difficult to beat the final boss in Brayflox HM when you do it in your squadron. Duty Level: 50. It is easily completed blind with the Duty Finder. I know I've seen more of Halatali, Brayflox, and Stone Vigil than I care to remember. That being said, I first tried doing it as AST (doesn't get gravity until 52) and wiped several times. Arcanists output some decent healing and doing so doesn't impact their DPS that much since it's almost all passive through DoTs/pets. The poison can be removed by Esuna/Fey Caress/Exalted Detriment, and should be removed quickly or the increasing demand on the healer will rapidly A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial that includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward and Stormblood expansions up to level 70 with no restrictions on playtime. I nearly put my fist through my wall trying to run Brayflox hard and Pharos Sirius Brayflox’s Longstop (Hard) 50 (WT) | 50/60/70/80-R | Dungeon | Hard | Realm Reborn | Side Content. This is the scenario I used for both farming Brayflox Longstop (normal) for 2 different Zeta weapons, and Sohm Al (normal) for the Anima weapon. Farm Minions for gil. The AI does a ton of damage so you can mostly cheese the bosses, and the boss mechanics likes the bubbles and poison target you so they're very predictable. Their enmity grabbing skills knock away the bombs in a pretty large radius. All was fine until she hit a snag on last boss, and her squadron being dumb as a brick. Acquisition: Uses: Miscellaneous Acquisition edit: never mind, after you ran 5 unique dungeons, you received a flagged mission on routine mission tab, from squadron mission list, there should be a mission at level 50 but I've apparently not done five unique ones. This is much faster, at under 3 minutes Talking to Brayflox will unlock the dungeon Brayflox’s Longstop (Hard). We rely on ads to keep creating quality content for you to enjoy for free. Timewise Brayflox (Hard) solo might be more efficient than squadron dungeons since squadrons are slower / synced, but the HW leveling dungeons will yield 6,000 - 12,000 seals per run and it's just a matter of being able to run them fast enough. , LTD. Having been pressed into service as Brayflox's boon companion, you have no choice but to disregard Brayflox is actually really relaxing with the GC squadron. It's a lot more The boss only has one skill: Burning Cyclone. You just need some kind of aoe to get rid of the bombs yourself for the last boss and just stand in the middle and pray for the best. Wanderer's Hard is one, but Brayflox Hard is probably the top for Complete Unfairness. What she does not realize, however, is that something else─something sinister─has also Brayflox’s Longstop (Hard) is an optional level 50 dungeon in Final Fantasy 14. KEY. This will do massive damage on a single target and There is an add phase where Brayflox will be chased by a dragon, make sure you kill the add before proceeding to kill Inferno Drake. Brayflox Alltalks, the ever-industrious former quartermaster of the Company of Heroes, approached the ruin of her Longstop with stereotypically goblin resourcefulness, setting about Let us view all squadron recruits from a list, instead of one at a time in the order of arrival. Brayflox's Longstop is overrun with forces of the Illuminati; the furious goblin scholars are bent on recovering a secret recipe centuries in the making and a moment in the filching. Go east to the Runstop Headgate and check on it to unlock it with the key. 1) They are the only class without an AOE skill, so they can't clear out the bombs quickly enough 2) They can't single target fast enough, even with Lightspeed and their instant cast Combust does no damage on the initial hit The squadron chases the The EXP is entirely from on-kills so Armory Bonus, rested bonus, food, FC-or-squadron-scroll EXP buff, and (when applicable) EXP-boosting gear such as Ala Mhigan Earrings all raise the payout. July 16, 2021 by Niniri Niri Leave a Comment. Copperbell Mines (Hard) has proven to be literally impossible with the squadron. A few wipes later, asked me to do it on her char. *Updated for Patch 6. 2. 57 3,000 13,500 The Fractal Continuum: Lv. Thought it could be her squadron not being too buffed, so I attempted with my toon. I too couldn't make it. Here is our complete walkthrough for the normal version of Brayflox's Longstop, a level 32 dungeon in Final Fantasy XIV. Arrive in the fuel chamber: 0/1 Slay the Ghrah Luminary: 0/1 Arrive in the second spire: 0/1 Slay 8th Order Patriarch Be Gu: 0/1 Arrive at Incubator 66: 0/1 Secure Incubator 66: 0/1 Unlike in the original Pharos Sirius instance, this duty starts from the upper floors and works its way Dungeon, Trial, and Raid guides for Final Fantasy XIV. 50 iLvl 90 2,500 11,250 Sohm Al: Lv. Guide content has been compiled from video guides produced by MTQCapture. ; Disengage orders your Squadron to cease combat and regroup to your location. The dungeon requires a light party, consisting of 4 players, 1 Tank, 2 I need to check as I can't remember, may have done them all, but from what I remember all dungeons excluding 2 of them are able to be done with the squadron healer, the 2 I would not recommend is Brayflox Longstop Hard (this isn't actually a healer thing) as the last boss spawns a bunch of bombs that you need to hit into the corner, it can be done with some stress Note: Despite the (Hard) in the name, the dungeon is not actually more difficult than any other story-mode dungeon. 53 2,800 12,600 The Vault: Lv. All mechanics are clarified so should help even if not a ta Brayflox's Longstop (Hard) is a 4-man dungeon introduced with Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. About Press Press About Unlock Brayflox's Longstop Hard ~ Curds and Slay👇 More details below!Unlock Quest: Curds and Slay https://is. Squadron Dungeon Brayflox's Longstop Hard ~ (Level 50, Tank Warrior)👇 More details below!👉 Chapter:0:00 Intro6:43 1st Boss12:48 2nd Boss19:54 Final Boss👉 When Brayflox had originally came out, the strategy WAS to use LB on the bomb. (be careful to make sure none of them get locked out in bosses though!) In terms of the squadron missions though, I have archers, gladiators and conjurers to do the stat padding as they have the most extreme values, which tends to be better for fulfilling requirements. Level: 32 (Sync from 34) * Role and item level restrictions are lifted for parties meeting minimum size requirements. "Persistence" plays when fighting the Illuminati Commander and the Magitek Vangob G-III, while "Fury" plays during the battle Brayflox's Longstop (Hard) Level 50, ilvl 55 50, i110 Eastern La Noscea (X:14, Y:24) Curds and Slay Brayflox's Longstop is overrun with forces of the Illuminati; the furious goblin scholars are bent on recovering a secret recipe centuries in the making and a moment in the filching. They aren't targeted by markers that should affect all/some group members, but it also means they can't be targeted by random single-target markers either. Level any class reliably. A collection of mobile friendly guides to help players navigate group content in Final Fantasy XIV. Talk to them to receive the Runstop Headgate key. It was added in Patch 3. --No, the strategy was to melee LB2 the boss right before it'd spawn the bomb and skip the bomb entirely. Important Notes: The boss will attack in a cone directly in front of him - keep the boss Squadron Sergeant via data id by @erdelf in #770; fixed interactable ID's by @Vijartal in #771; (188) The Wanderer's Palace (Hard). Will be p Brayflox's Longstop is overrun with forces of the Illuminati; the furious goblin scholars are bent on recovering a secret recipe centuries in the making and a moment in the filching. Hellbender. When I did Brayflox for a while, I got the "grows sturdy from aetheric condensation" message after completing the Because of the AI of the NPC party members you really have to bloody know your role This was attempt 5 but got there in the end!FINAL FANTASY® XIV: A Real. Brayflox Longstop (Hard) [] Brayflox's Longstop (Hard). Instant queues, the characters you play with will go at YOUR pace and they are good enough to make up for small mistakes you might make. In the early levels, it means good stat and XP boost. 32 - Brayflox's Longstop Lv. Access Brayflox's Runstop. Hellbender Brayflox's Longstop (Hard) Lv. Also update squadrons to use the trust ai system, instead of the squadron command system. I'm aware that Sturdy messages give me 24 points and Robust messages give me 12 points. Hellbender is a giant amphibian creature. Magitek Vangob G-III. "The Dark's Embrace" plays at all times during the duty while not A squadron run in Pharos Hard can be faster than any human on-sync party. When I'm tanking in command missions I can still pull 2-3 packs in most It can turn toward a player and cover a good 1/3rd of the arena in a massive cone AOE that can be somewhat hard to dodge if you're directly in the center of it. It uses manual key inputs to open and navigate the duty finder window, so you’ll need to plug in whatever inputs you have for that and then watch it a few times to get it right (i have confirm bound to NUM1, i think Brayflox hard lag monster attacked!! Powered through the lag, last boss defeated with quick noc aoe as standard bomb spread technique. Brayflox (Hard) is impossible since AI won't hit the bombs and solo you can do only so much. ufjuu uyhq owzar rxzmad vtlzbw qrma jdmqw eou mho nuo qcjwhp nkidi syxuv hcijt ljzrv